David Halverson
Board of Advisors
Lieutenant General US Army (Retired). Served in various leadership positions including command at every level from Battery to Post Command to the Commanding General of the U.S. Army Installation Management Command. He has served in Continental America, Europe, Korea, Panama, and South West Asia. He was the J3, Central Command, Chief of Plans. Halverson planned, coordinated, and executed war plans for OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM and OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM after 9-11. After his deployment, he assumed duties on the Army Staff, as the Director of Operations, Readiness, and Mobilization, G-3. Halverson then became the Director of Force Development, G-8, where he developed the RDT&E investment, modernization and equipping programs for the Army totaling $200B across the POM. Currently serving as the Chairman/CEO of Cypress International. Halverson graduated from the United States Military Academy and attended the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School.